What are the 7 elements of American Romanticism??? please answer i need the answer i cant find it any where online

Basically, Romanticism usually includes an emphasis on imagination, nature, utopias, and the power of the individual. American Romanticism often also encompasses the Gothic, which includes the darker side of all of these things


Scroll down a bit and read Britannica's definition. It's very detailed. Read it carefully.

To find the 7 elements of American Romanticism, you can follow a few steps:

Step 1: Understand American Romanticism - American Romanticism was a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the late 18th century and flourished during the 19th century. It emphasized individuality, imagination, and the beauty of nature, seeking to explore emotions and the human spirit.

Step 2: Identify key characteristics - Based on the understanding of American Romanticism, you can identify the key characteristics that define this movement. Some common elements include:

1. Individualism: The belief in the uniqueness and value of the individual, emphasizing the importance of personal experiences and emotions.
2. Imagination and Idealism: A focus on the power of the imagination, embracing lofty ideals and dreams.
3. Nature and the Sublime: Appreciation for the beauty and power of nature, often portraying it as a source of inspiration and truth.
4. Supernatural and Gothic: Exploration of mysterious, supernatural, and eerie elements, often drawing on themes from Gothic literature.
5. Transcendentalism: The concept of transcending the limitations of everyday life and seeking deeper spiritual and philosophical truths.
6. Emotion and Intuition: A reliance on emotions and intuition to understand the world, often valuing them over logic and reason.
7. Exoticism and Nationalism: Interest in distant lands and cultures, as well as a celebration of American identity and history.

Step 3: Apply the elements - With the knowledge of these elements, you can analyze literary works, art, and other cultural expressions from the American Romantic period and identify how they manifest each element.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the seven elements of American Romanticism and apply it to analyze relevant works.