1. How much is gimbap?

2. How much is a gimbap?
3. How much is two gimbaps?
4. How much are two gimbaps?
5. How much are two rolls of gimbap?
6. I want to eat some gimbap.
7. I want to eat some gimbaps.
8. I want to eat some rolls of gimbap.

(Which expressions are grammatical?)

They all could be grammatically correct, depending upon what "gimbap" is!


I would say that 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8 are correct.

I have never eaten gimbaps, but I know what they are.

Out of the given expressions, the following ones are grammatically correct:

1. How much is gimbap?
2. How much is a gimbap?
4. How much are two gimbaps?

Here's a breakdown of the grammar for these sentences:

1. Sentence 1 is asking about the price of a single unit of gimbap in general. Since "gimbap" is considered uncountable, we don't use the plural form.
2. Sentence 2 is similar to the first one but specifically refers to a single unit of gimbap.
4. Sentence 4 is asking about the price of two units of gimbap. In this case, we use the plural form "gimbaps."

As for the other expressions, they have grammatical issues:

3. Sentence 3 is incorrect because "two gimbaps" is not a complete question or statement.
5. Sentence 5 is incorrect because "two rolls of gimbap" mixes up the concepts of "gimbaps" and "rolls." It would be clearer to use either "two rolls of gimbap" or "two gimbaps."
6. Sentence 6 is a statement expressing a desire to eat some gimbap, so it is grammatically correct.
7. Sentence 7 is similar to the previous one, but it uses the plural form "gimbaps." Both "gimbap" and "gimbaps" would be acceptable.
8. Sentence 8 is similar to the previous two, but it mentions "rolls of gimbap." This is grammatically correct if you specifically want to eat gimbap in roll form.

In summary, the grammatically correct expressions are sentences 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8.