Use the distributive property of multiplication over addition to rewrite the sum as a product of two factors, where one of the factors is a sum.

20a2 - 16a - 8

A) a(20a2 - 16a - 8)
B) 4(5a2 - 4a - 2)
C) 4(5a2 - 4 - 2a)
D) 4a(5a - 16 - 8a)

When you have parenthesis and you "distribute", you are multiplying each part. Example: for A, you multiply a with 20a2 and get 20a3, then you multiply a with the -16a and get -16a2 and multiply the a with -8 and get -8a, so your answer is 20a3-16a2-8a for A, so the answer is not A. Do the same for B,C,D and I can check your answer if you want.

Awesome I got it so it is B because it will all equal up to the 20a2 - 16a - 8

Yes, good job!!

To use the distributive property of multiplication over addition, we need to multiply each term in the sum by a common factor.

For the expression 20a^2 - 16a - 8, we can factor out the common factor of 4 from each term:

20a^2 - 16a - 8 = 4(5a^2 - 4a - 2)

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 4(5a^2 - 4a - 2).