the political system in which the citizens are likely to have the most immediate influence on their government is a?

1)direct democracy
2)representative democracy
4)constitutional monarchy

Looks as if you need to look each term up and then decide.

Let us know what you think.

3) Aristocracy

direct democracy

The political system in which the citizens are likely to have the most immediate influence on their government is a direct democracy. In a direct democracy, citizens actively participate in making decisions and shaping government policies. They have the opportunity to vote on laws, regulations, and other important issues directly, rather than delegating this responsibility to elected representatives.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the definitions of the political systems listed:

1) Direct democracy: The citizens themselves vote on decisions and laws directly, without representatives.

2) Representative democracy: Citizens elect representatives who make decisions and vote on their behalf.

3) Aristocracy: A government system in which power is held by the nobility or a privileged elite group.

4) Constitutional monarchy: A system in which a monarch is the head of state, but their powers are constrained by a constitution.

5) Dictatorship: A system in which power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual who exercises complete control over the country.

Considering the question, direct democracy stands out as the option where citizens have the most direct influence on the government.