the army overthrows the civilian government in the nations capital. the chief of the army staff takes control of national policy-making suspending the free press and the elected assembly.

the type of political system now in control is a?

1)direct democracy
2)representative democracy
4)constitutional monarchy

Looks as if you need to look each term up and then decide.

Let us know what you think.

Dictatorship, This is because one person has taken complete control, otherwise known as militarism but this isn't an option so go with dictatorship

The type of political system now in control is a dictatorship.

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the given scenario. In a dictatorship, an individual or a small group exercises absolute and centralized authority, often obtained through force or coercion. In the situation described, the army overthrows the civilian government, assumes control of national policy-making, suspends the free press, and halts the elected assembly. These actions indicate a concentration of power in the hands of the chief of the army staff, who effectively becomes a dictator.

Looking at the options provided:
1) Direct democracy: In a direct democracy, decisions are made directly by the citizens through voting, without any intermediaries. This does not align with the scenario described, where power is removed from the citizens.
2) Representative democracy: In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions and govern on their behalf. Again, this does not apply to the scenario, as the elected assembly is suspended and power shifts to the military.
3) Aristocracy: An aristocracy is a system where a select group of individuals hold power due to their social status or wealth. This also does not match the situation presented, as the military takes over rather than a privileged class.
4) Constitutional monarchy: A constitutional monarchy is a system where a monarch serves as the head of state, but their powers are limited by a constitution and a separate branch of government. This is not relevant to the scenario described.
5) Dictatorship: A dictatorship is a system in which power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group, typically through force or coercion. This aligns with the situation outlined, as the army assumes control, suspends democratic institutions, and the chief of the army staff takes charge of national policies.

Therefore, the correct answer is 5) dictatorship.