Can you please translate:

vous me donner un cadeau d'anniversaire de ma sœur?

The French is incorrect with vous and then the infinitive "donner." You to give me (see how it makes no sense?) a birthday present from my sister. Since "anniversaire" could be birthday or anniversary, it would depend upon context, meaning what else is around this. Also "de" could be "of" or "from."

Without seeing more of what this is from, it's not possible to tell you exactly what it refers to.

Sra (aka Mme)

It means "will you give me a present for my sisters birthday?" also in response to SraJMcGin, "anniversaire" never refers to the word anniversary on the word birthday

Certainly! The phrase "vous me donner un cadeau d'anniversaire de ma sœur?" is written in French, and it translates to "Can you give me a birthday gift for my sister?" in English.

To translate a phrase from one language to another, you can use various translation tools available online or on your smartphone. Some popular translation tools include Google Translate, Bing Translator, and DeepL Translator.

Here's how you can use Google Translate to translate this phrase:
1. Open your web browser and go to the Google Translate website ( or open the Google Translate app on your smartphone.
2. In the left text box, enter the phrase "vous me donner un cadeau d'anniversaire de ma sœur?".
3. In the right text box, you will see the translation appear automatically as "Can you give me a birthday gift for my sister?".

Remember that while translation tools are convenient, they may not always provide precise translations, especially for complex or idiomatic expressions.