5. How would you accomplish exposure netting with currencies to two countries that tend to go up and down together in value?

To accomplish exposure netting with currencies to two countries that tend to go up and down together in value, you would need to consider the following steps:

1. Start by identifying the two currencies involved in this exposure netting. For example, let's say we are considering the currencies of Country A and Country B.

2. Assess the historical correlation between the two currencies. Correlation measures the degree to which two variables (in this case, currency values) move together. If the currencies of Country A and Country B tend to move in sync, it indicates a positive correlation.

3. Determine your exposure to these currencies. If you have investments, assets, or liabilities denominated in both currencies, it is important to assess the impact of currency fluctuations on your overall portfolio.

4. Develop a hedging strategy. Exposure netting aims to reduce or eliminate the impact of currency fluctuations on your portfolio. Depending on your risk tolerance and specific circumstances, you can choose from several hedging instruments, such as forwards, futures, options, or swaps.

5. Utilize a currency overlay strategy. A currency overlay is an investment management technique that involves actively managing currency exposure within a portfolio. It utilizes derivatives and other hedging instruments to adjust exposure to different currencies.

6. Seek professional advice. The implementation of exposure netting strategies can be complex and depends on various factors specific to your situation. It's advisable to consult with a financial advisor, currency specialist, or risk management expert who can offer guidance tailored to your needs.

Remember, exposure netting is a risk management technique that aims to minimize currency fluctuations' impact on your portfolio. It is crucial to thoroughly analyze the correlation between the currencies, assess your exposure, and seek professional advice before implementing any strategy.