Can you explain what exactly is financial gain? I am doing a research paper and it must include this?

A financial gain is when an investment produces more money than the original cost.

Thank you! This helps the paper. I am a tiny bit scrambled with this class. LOL!

You're welcome.

I have one more question. how are annuities guaranteed until death? Can it be passed to another person?

The insurance company offering the annuities invests the money at a higher rate than it pays the individual.

This article explains various kinds of annuities.

Certainly! Financial gain is essentially the increase in value or profit that an individual, organization, or entity experiences through various financial activities. It is the positive difference between the initial investment or resources put into a project or venture and the final monetary outcome.

To understand financial gain in more detail for your research paper, here are a few key points you can explore:

1. Definition: Start with a concise definition of financial gain, highlighting how it represents the growth in financial value or wealth.
2. Types of financial gain: Explain the different forms of financial gain, such as capital gains from investments, income from business operations, dividends from stocks, interest earned on savings, and so on.
3. Factors influencing financial gain: Explore the factors that affect the level of financial gain, including economic conditions, market fluctuations, risk management strategies, and investment choices.
4. Measurement and metrics: Discuss the methods and metrics used to measure financial gain, such as Return on Investment (ROI), Net Income, Gross Profit, Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA), or Cash Flow.
5. Importance and implications: Highlight the significance of financial gain, both for individuals and organizations, including financial stability, growth opportunities, wealth accumulation, and achieving financial goals.

Remember to support your research paper with credible sources and data to provide a comprehensive understanding of financial gain.