1. Which club do you go to?

I go to a quilt club.

2. Which club do you belong to?
I belong to a broadcasting club.

3. Which club are you in?
I am in an RCY club.

(Are the answers and questions the same?)

Yes. They all have about the same meanings.

Thank you. What about the following?

4. Which club are you on?
I am on an RCY club.

(Can we use 'on' instead of 'in'?)

No. "On" is not the right preposition here.

No, the answers and questions are not the same. Let me explain why:

1. The question is asking which club the person goes to. The answer provided is "quilt club." This suggests that the person physically attends quilt club meetings or activities.

2. The question is asking which club the person belongs to. The answer given is "broadcasting club." This implies that the person is a member of a broadcasting club, but it doesn't necessarily mean they attend the club regularly.

3. The question is asking which club the person is in. The response is "RCY club," indicating that the person is currently involved in an RCY club. This could mean they actively participate in club activities or events.

So, while the general theme of the questions is related to clubs, the specific wording and context of the questions and answers are different.