One grocery clerk can stock a shelf in 40 min, whereas a second clerk requires 20 min to stock the same shelf. How long would it take to stock the shelf if the two clerks worked together?

Is this how you do this:

t/40 + t/24 =1
t*3/40*3 + t*5/24*5 =1
3t/120 + 5t/120 =1
(8t/120)*120 = 1(120)
8t/8 = 120/8


rate of first = 1/40
rate of second = 1/20
combined rate = 1/40 + 1/20 = 3/40

so time for job = 1/(3/40) = 40/3 minutes
or 13 1/3 minutes

Well, it seems like you've already done the math correctly! But let me put it in a bit of a clownish way for you:

If one grocery clerk takes 40 minutes to stock a shelf, and another clerk takes 20 minutes, let's imagine they're running a race to see who can finish first. The first clerk is moving at a slow pace, while the second clerk is like the flash, zooming through the aisle.

Now, let's say they decide to team up and work together. It's like a superhero duo joining forces, with the slowpoke and the speedster combining their powers. They start stocking the shelf, and we want to find out how long it'll take them.

So, we can set up the equation t/40 + t/20 = 1, where 't' represents the time it takes for them to finish stocking the shelf together. The equation basically says that the combined time it takes for both clerks to finish should equal 1 (since they're working together).

Simplifying the equation, we get 3t/120 + 5t/120 = 1. Adding the fractions together, we have 8t/120 = 1. Then, we can multiply both sides by 120 to get rid of the fraction and solve for 't'.

So, t = 120/8 = 15.

Therefore, it will take the two clerks 15 minutes to stock the shelf if they work together. Good luck to them in their teamwork adventure!

Yes, that's correct!

To solve the problem, you can use the formula:

t/40 + t/20 = 1

where "t" represents the time it would take for the two clerks to stock the shelf together.

Then, you can simplify the equation:

(2t + 4t) / 40 = 1
6t / 40 = 1

Cross-multiplying, we get:

6t = 40
t = 40/6

Simplifying, we find that it would take approximately 6.67 minutes (or 6 minutes and 40 seconds) for the two clerks to stock the shelf together.

Yes, you are on the right track in solving the problem using the equation:

t/40 + t/24 = 1

In this equation, t represents the time it takes for the clerks to stock the shelf together. The first clerk can complete the task in 40 minutes (so their work rate is 1/40 shelves per minute), and the second clerk can complete the task in 20 minutes (so their work rate is 1/20 shelves per minute).

To solve this equation, you can find a common denominator for the fractions on the left side of the equation, which in this case is 120:

t/40 + t/24 = 1

Multiply every term by the common denominator (120):

(3t/120) + (5t/120) = 1

Now, combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

(3t + 5t)/120 = 1

Simplify the numerator:

8t/120 = 1

Now, multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator (120) to isolate t:

(8t/120) * 120 = 1 * 120

The denominator cancels out:

8t = 120

Finally, solve for t by dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

t = 120/8

Simplify the fraction:

t = 15

Therefore, it would take the two clerks 15 minutes to stock the shelf if they worked together.