A(n)________ or factual issue is one whose truth can be settled by an agreed-on method for collecting evidence,the truth about which is a fact, and disagreement about which means that at least one of the people is mistaken.

A(n) empirical or factual issue is one whose truth can be settled by an agreed-on method for collecting evidence, the truth about which is a fact, and disagreement about which means that at least one of the people is mistaken.

To determine the truth of an empirical or factual issue, one needs to rely on an empirical approach, which involves gathering evidence through observation, experimentation, and data analysis. Here's how you can approach resolving an empirical or factual issue:

1. Identify the issue: Clearly define the specific question or claim that is being debated or investigated. This will help in focusing on the relevant information.

2. Research: Gather information from credible and reliable sources such as scientific studies, expert opinions, or reputable publications. It is essential to use sources that have undergone peer review, as they are considered more trustworthy.

3. Evaluate evidence: Analyze the collected evidence critically. Consider the quality of the data, the methodology used in the studies, and the expertise and credibility of the sources. Look for both supporting and opposing evidence to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

4. Apply logical reasoning: Use logical reasoning to interpret the evidence and arrive at a conclusion. This includes considering cause and effect relationships, identifying biases or fallacies in the arguments, and examining the consistency and coherence of the information.

5. Seek expert opinions: If you are uncertain about a certain aspect of the issue, consult experts or professionals in the field who have relevant knowledge and expertise. Their insights can help clarify complex concepts or provide additional perspectives.

6. Engage in constructive dialogue: Discuss the issue with others who have differing viewpoints. Engaging in respectful conversations can help identify gaps in understanding, challenge assumptions, and potentially lead to a more informed perspective.

Ultimately, resolving an empirical or factual issue requires a careful examination of the available evidence and a willingness to challenge assumptions or beliefs based on the information presented.