A bottle contains 0.5 quarts of grape juice. Keisha will use o.2 of the grape juice to make fruit punch. How much grape juice will keisha use for the fruit pumch? a. 0.3 b. 0.2, c 0.1

or d 0.01
I chose 0.3 but according to the teacher's edition it says the corrcect answer is c. 0.1. Would you please explain how to work this problem?
Thank you

You need to find 0.2 of 0.5 quarts.


0.2 * 0.5 = 0.1

To find out how much grape juice Keisha will use for the fruit punch, we need to multiply the amount of grape juice in the bottle (0.5 quarts) by the fraction representing the proportion she will use (0.2).

So, the calculation would be:

0.5 quarts * 0.2 = 0.1 quarts

Therefore, Keisha will use 0.1 quarts of grape juice for the fruit punch. Hence, the correct answer is c. 0.1.