Which are better longer baselines or shorter baslines for measuring stuff. Can someone please give me an explanation about them, thanks

I would choose longer baselines.

The distance to the next town would be better measured in kilometers or miles than in meters or feet.

Oh, thanks Ms. Sue, again, I love ur example. You always come up with the best ones:-)

You're very welcome, Sara. :-)

When it comes to measuring things, the choice between longer baselines and shorter baselines depends on the specific scenario and what you are trying to measure. Let's delve into both options:

1. Longer Baselines:
A baseline is the distance between two points used for measurement. Longer baselines can be advantageous for certain measurements due to the following reasons:
- Improved Accuracy: Longer baselines provide higher measuring precision and accuracy. This is because the longer the baseline, the smaller the angular error becomes, resulting in more accurate measurements.
- Enhanced Resolution: Longer baselines can measure smaller details or features of an object. For instance, in astronomy, telescopes with longer baselines can differentiate finer structures of celestial bodies.
- Increased Sensitivity: Longer baselines are more sensitive to small changes in the measurement, making them useful for detecting subtle variations or fine-scale phenomena.

2. Shorter Baselines:
Shorter baselines can also be advantageous in specific scenarios, and here's why:
- Practicality: Shorter baselines are generally easier and quicker to set up. You may choose a shorter baseline if time or resources are limited.
- Reduced Distortions: In some cases, longer baselines may introduce distortion due to environmental factors, such as atmospheric effects or system errors. Shorter baselines can mitigate these issues, resulting in more reliable measurements.
- Specific Objectives: For certain measurements, the target object or phenomenon may be adequately captured using a shorter baseline. This can be the case when the desired information is at a larger scale or when the phenomenon has a limited extent.

To determine whether longer or shorter baselines are better for a particular measurement, consider factors such as the level of accuracy required, the size and nature of the object or phenomenon being measured, available resources, and any practical constraints. It is essential to carefully evaluate the specific situation and choose the baseline length that best suits your measurement goals.