write and solve a mixed number word problem

Emily's family bought two pizzas -- one with pepperoni and mushrooms and the other had cheese and anchovies. The family ate 3/4 of each pizza. How much did they eat all together?

3/4 + 3/4 = ?

6/4 or 1 and 2/4 which that equals to 1 and 1/4 because you can reduce it



Sure! Here's a mixed number word problem for you:

Problem: Jasmine went on a road trip and traveled 350 miles. On the first day, she drove 175 miles, and on the second day, she drove an additional 2/5 of the distance she drove on the first day. How many more miles did Jasmine drive on the second day compared to the first day?

To solve this word problem, we'll need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions and then add them up.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 2/5 into an improper fraction.
To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator. In this case, 2 multiplied by 5, plus 1 (the numerator), equals 11. So, the improper fraction for 2/5 is 11/5.

Step 2: Add the two fractions together.
Jasmine drove 175 miles on the first day and an additional 11/5 of that distance on the second day. To find the total distance, we need to add these two fractions:

175 + 11/5

To add these fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, since 5 is the denominator of the second fraction, we can use 5 as the common denominator for both fractions.

175 is equal to (175/1) when written as a fraction with a denominator of 1.

So, the expression becomes:

(175/1) + (11/5)

To add these fractions, we need to have the same denominator. To do that, we can multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 5, and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by 1. This way, both fractions will have a common denominator of 5.

So, the expression becomes:

(175/1) * (5/5) + (11/5) * (1/1)

Now, we can add the fractions:

(175 * 5 + 11) / 5

Step 3: Simplify the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the top fraction, and then divide the result by the denominator:

(875 + 11) / 5

886 / 5

The simplified fraction is 177 1/5.

Step 4: Calculate the difference between the two days.
To find the difference in miles between the two days, subtract the distance driven on the first day from the total distance:

177 1/5 - 175

To subtract mixed numbers, we need to convert them into improper fractions. So, let's convert 177 1/5 into an improper fraction:

177 1/5 = (177 * 5 + 1) / 5 = 886/5

Now we can subtract 175 from 886/5 by subtracting their numerators:

(886 - (175 * 5)) / 5
(886 - 875) / 5
11 / 5

The simplified fraction is 2 1/5.

Therefore, Jasmine drove 2 1/5 (or 2.2) more miles on the second day compared to the first day.