Ms. Sue you know the description of the old house I did, well now I have to put all that into a paragraph. I want to make this paragraph seem really intersting and spooky. Ms. Sue could you please give me a spooky intro and conclusion for this, please. If not the conclusion then just the intro, please. The rest I'll do, and post on here for you to edit. Thanks a bunch :-) LOL

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you with a spooky introduction for your paragraph. Here's one suggestion:


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the dilapidated neighborhood, a shiver ran down my spine. Amidst the towering shadows and bleak silence stood the old house, its decaying facade seeming to exhale a tale of forgotten secrets. Every step towards it felt like tiptoeing into a realm where time had stood still, and darkness had made its home. I approached, heart pounding, drawn by the inexplicable pull of the haunted history that lay within those weathered walls.

Feel free to use this as a starting point and tailor it to fit your description of the old house. Once you have completed your paragraph, simply post it here, and I'll be happy to provide any editing assistance you may need. Good luck!

First, Sara, the introduction and conclusion of a paper are the LAST parts you write. You can't introduce something or someone without knowing exactly what you're introducing.

Write the body of the paper first. Then write the introduction and conclusion. After you have the entire paper written and proofread, please post it. We'll be glad to make suggestions then.

Remember, use a thesaurus when you're stuck for the right words.