How do I describe why I think that a specific for of organization is best for a topic sentence?

I think you've left some words out.

Please clarify, and we'll try to help you.

I chose the topic "Although Islam is a religion which teaches peace, terrorist attacks are increasingly carried out by people claiming to be Muslim."

This type of statement needs supporting paragraphs that include facts, examples, and discriptions. Now I have to tell why I feel this is the best form of organization. I cant explain it... any suggestions on how to explain?

I suggest you use the Five Pillars of Islam as the organization of your paper. Show how each of these contribute to Islam as a peaceful and generous religion.

Thank you. That may help me out!

I have another question Ms. Sue. How do you recommend remembering the different types of fallacies?

To describe why you think a specific form of organization is best for a topic sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the purpose: Begin by identifying the main goal or purpose of the topic sentence. What message or idea are you trying to convey to the reader?

2. Analyze the information: Evaluate the content or information that you want to include in your topic sentence. Look for patterns, similarities, or relationships between the different elements related to the topic.

3. Choose a form of organization: Based on your analysis, determine the most effective form of organization to present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner. Some common forms of organization are chronological (in sequential order), spatial (based on physical location or direction), cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, or general to specific.

4. Justify your choice: Explain why you believe this specific form of organization is the best fit for your topic sentence. Consider the following aspects:

a. Coherence: How does this form of organization contribute to the clarity and smooth flow of ideas? Does it help the reader understand the logical progression of your thoughts?

b. Relevance: Does the chosen organization structure ensure that the most important and relevant information is presented first? Does it prioritize the key points effectively?

c. Emphasis: Does the form of organization highlight key similarities, differences, or connections between elements? Does it enhance the impact of your argument or message?

d. Audience understanding: Consider your target audience. Does the chosen organization form align with their level of knowledge or familiarity with the topic? Will it make it easier for them to grasp your intended message?

By carefully analyzing the purpose, content, and desired impact of your topic sentence, as well as considering the principles of coherency, relevance, emphasis, and audience understanding, you can effectively describe why you think a specific form of organization is best.