The words chemistry,sherbet,elixir, and zero were borrowed from which language?

. I choose D.
p.s. am i correct?

Sherbet comes from Persian and Turkish.

Chemistry has similar word origins in Greek and Egyptian.
Elixir is of Arabic origin
The concept of zero came from Hindu, Babylonian and Arabic cultures, but the Arabic word 'sifr' does not sound much like zero. Greeks changed it to zefiro.

The answer they probably want is Arabic, but matters are a lot more complicated, as you see.

thank you

No, you are not correct. The words "chemistry," "sherbet," "elixir," and "zero" were not borrowed from the Russian language. To find the correct answer, we need to analyze the origins of these words.

"Chemistry" is derived from the Arabic word "al-kīmiyā." The term was further developed by Arab and Persian scholars and eventually adopted into English.

"Sherbet" also has its roots in Arabic. It comes from the Arabic word "sharbat" or "sharab," which refers to a sweet, fruit-based beverage.

"Elixir" has an interesting history. It can be traced back to the Arabic word "al-'iksir," which means "the philosopher's stone." This term was later adopted by Latin alchemists and eventually made its way into modern English.

Finally, "zero" originated from the Sanskrit word "śūnya," meaning "empty" or "void." It was later borrowed by Arabic mathematicians and spread to other languages, including English.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Arabic, as all four words have Arabic origins.