lucy's shade is covering nine-twelfths of her window. draw and clor nine-twelfths of a square to show lucy's window.Write te correct fraction

The Subject is not 2nd grade, but MATH.


you color 9 lines of the square window

9/12 reduces to 3/4.

Divide the window in half, then the lower half needs to be cut in half again. Color in the upper two portions.

I hope this helps.

To draw and color nine-twelfths of a square to represent Lucy's window, follow these steps:

1. Draw a square shape on a piece of paper or a digital drawing tool. Label it as Lucy's window.

2. Divide the square into twelve equal parts by drawing three horizontal lines and three vertical lines inside the square. This will create twelve smaller squares within the larger square.

3. Shade in nine of the twelve smaller squares within Lucy's window. Make sure to choose squares that are adjacent to each other to represent the fraction nine-twelfths.

4. Label the shaded area as "9/12" to indicate that it represents nine-twelfths of the total area of Lucy's window.

By following these steps, you will visually represent Lucy's window and shade in nine-twelfths of the square to indicate the proportion of her window that is covered.