Estimate the result of the following problem as a whole number.

4 1/43 + 2 15/16 - 1 24/26 + 5 11/12 - 3 3/61

4 + 3 - 2 + 6 - 3 = ?

very confusing

To estimate the result of the given problem as a whole number, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert all the mixed fractions to improper fractions.
- 4 1/43 = (4 * 43 + 1) / 43 = 173/43
- 2 15/16 = (2 * 16 + 15) / 16 = 47/16
- 1 24/26 = (1 * 26 + 24) / 26 = 50/26 = 25/13
- 5 11/12 = (5 * 12 + 11) / 12 = 71/12
- 3 3/61 = (3 * 61 + 3) / 61 = 186/61

Step 2: Add or subtract the fractions.
- 173/43 + 47/16 - 25/13 + 71/12 - 186/61

To add or subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 13*43*16*12*61 = 24,968,832.

Step 3: Convert all the fractions to have a common denominator.
- 173/43 * 24,968,832/24,968,832 = 3,904,336/24,968,832
- 47/16 * 24,968,832/24,968,832 = 1,186,352/24,968,832
- 25/13 * 24,968,832/24,968,832 = 61,181,600/24,968,832
- 71/12 * 24,968,832/24,968,832 = 47,916,912/24,968,832
- 186/61 * 24,968,832/24,968,832 = 3,577,352/24,968,832

Step 4: Add or subtract the fractions.
- (3,904,336 - 1,186,352 - 61,181,600 + 47,916,912 - 3,577,352) / 24,968,832

Using a calculator or math software, we can evaluate the expression within the parentheses:
- (3,904,336 - 1,186,352 - 61,181,600 + 47,916,912 - 3,577,352) = -13,123,056

Finally, we divide this result by the common denominator:
- -13,123,056 / 24,968,832 ≈ -0.525

Since we were asked to estimate the result as a whole number, the nearest whole number to -0.525 is 0. Therefore, the estimated result of the given problem as a whole number is 0.

I don't know the answer confused