what do we mean with the turning point in a story

In a story, the turning point, also known as the climax, is a crucial moment where the conflict or tension reaches its peak and the story takes a significant turn. It often occurs towards the end of the story and leads to the resolution or conclusion.

To identify the turning point in a story, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the conflict: Determine what the main conflict or problem in the story is. This could be a personal struggle, a relationship issue, an external obstacle, or any other type of challenge.

2. Look for rising action: Pay attention to the events leading up to the turning point. Rising action refers to the build-up of tension and conflict throughout the story. This includes various obstacles, complications, or challenges faced by the characters.

3. Identify the peak of tension: The turning point is the peak of the story's tension and conflict. It is the moment when the main characters confront the central problem directly and experience a decisive change or revelation.

4. Assess the impact: Consider how the turning point affects the story. It often leads to a change in the protagonist's goals, beliefs, or circumstances, and propels the story towards its resolution.

Remember, the turning point is a critical element in storytelling as it adds excitement, drama, and intensity to the narrative, and it is typically the most memorable and impactful moment for the audience.