Hi there, could you see if I have translated the english correctly into french. Thank you very much.

1.) Dear Diary,
Lately, I have been keeping a close watch on the mayor, Madeleine. I believe that Madeleine is hiding something, something very dark. Little evidence has led me to believe that Madeleine is Jean Valjean. But to assume such a thing would be ridiculous without the proper evidence to prove it. Thoughts and questions of “could it be Jean Valjean?” filled my mind with perplexity.

1.) Cher journal,
Dernièrement, j'ai été surveillant de près sur le maire, Madeleine. Je crois que Madeleine se cache quelque chose, quelque chose de très sombre. Peu de preuves m'a amené à croire que Madeleine est Jean Valjean. Mais, pour assumer une telle chose serait ridicule sans les éléments propres à le prouver. Les pensées et les questions de "peut-il être Jean Valjean?" Remplis mon esprit avec perplexité.

2.) I guarded Jean Valjean many years ago and vaguely remember anything about him except for his incredible physical strength and demeaning appearance. Which lead me to another reason why Jean Valjean could not be Madeleine; the mayor’s physical appearance is nothing in comparison to what I could recollect of Jean Valjean. Later that day on my way back to the office, I heard a man eagerly screaming for help.

2.) Je me gardai bien il ya de nombreuses années Jean Valjean et vaguement souvenir de rien autour de lui, sauf pour sa force physique incroyable et l'aspect dégradant. Qui me conduisent à une autre raison pour laquelle Jean Valjean ne pouvait être Madeleine, l'apparence physique du maire est rien en comparaison de ce que je pouvais me souviens de Jean Valjean. Plus tard ce jour-là à mon retour au bureau, j'ai entendu un homme avec empressement crier au secours.

3.) As I walked closer to sound of cries, I saw a man by the name of Fauchelevent compressed under a large carriage. Before I could begin to help, Madeleine shows up. With little effort, Madeleine lifts the carriage off of Fauchelevent and saves his life. As he lifted the carriage, his facial expression matched the face of Jean Valjean, and at that exact moment I knew Madeleine was indeed Jean Valjean.

3.) Pendant que je marchais plus proche de son des cris, j'ai vu un homme du nom de Fauchelevent comprimée sous une voiture ensemble. Avant que je puisse commencer à aider, Madeleine montre. Avec peu d'effort, Madeleine soulève le chariot des Fauchelevent et sauve sa vie. Comme il a soulevé la voiture, son expression faciale correspondait au visage de Jean Valjean, et à ce moment précis je savais que Madeleine était en effet Jean Valjean.

Dernièrement = Récemment (slightly better)

Sorry, but my eyes will not scan up and down, up and down. Therefore, I am printing this out and later, when I have time, I'll correct it and get back to you. I suggest you do not wait up, because usually it's rather late when I get back to the computer.

Sra (aka Mme)

First of all, SIMPLIFY what you say, using the French expressions you have already learned. Otherwise, trying to translate from English into French, will NOT use the correct vocabulary, nor the correct word order.

1) j'ai surveillé le maire

Madeleine cache quelque chose......très sombre (drop "de")

Peu d'evidence...

assumer telle chose.....sans les éléments

Des pensées de,,, des questions de... "pourrait-il être..."

Ont rempli mon esprit

2) Il y a beaucoup d'années que j'ai gardé...

je ne me souviens pas beaucoup

Tout cela me menait à une...

ne pouvait pas être

n'est rien...je pouvais me souvenir

un homme qui criait "au secours."

3) proche du son des cris

une voiture grande (decide what kind of carriage it is)

Avant de commencer à aider...se montre...chariot de...et lui sauve la vie.

Sra (aka Mme)

1.) Dear Diary,

Lately, I have been keeping a close watch on the mayor, Madeleine. I believe that Madeleine is hiding something, something very dark. Little evidence has led me to believe that Madeleine is Jean Valjean. But to assume such a thing would be ridiculous without the proper evidence to prove it. Thoughts and questions of “could it be Jean Valjean?” filled my mind with perplexity. (Translated into French)

To verify if your English sentences have been translated correctly into French, you can use online translation tools like Google Translate or Deepl. Simply copy and paste each English sentence into the translation tool and check the French translation provided.

2.) I guarded Jean Valjean many years ago and vaguely remember anything about him except for his incredible physical strength and demeaning appearance. Which lead me to another reason why Jean Valjean could not be Madeleine; the mayor’s physical appearance is nothing in comparison to what I could recollect of Jean Valjean. Later that day on my way back to the office, I heard a man eagerly screaming for help. (Translated into French)

Again, you can use online translation tools to check if your English sentences have been translated accurately to French. Verify the translation using tools like Google Translate or Deepl by copying and pasting the English sentences into the translation tool and comparing the resulting French translation.

3.) As I walked closer to the sound of cries, I saw a man by the name of Fauchelevent compressed under a large carriage. Before I could begin to help, Madeleine shows up. With little effort, Madeleine lifts the carriage off of Fauchelevent and saves his life. As he lifted the carriage, his facial expression matched the face of Jean Valjean, and at that exact moment, I knew Madeleine was indeed Jean Valjean. (Translated into French)

To confirm the accuracy of your translation, you can use online translation tools such as Google Translate or Deepl. Copy and paste the English sentences into the translation tool and compare the French translation provided to ensure the accuracy.