what does terminan in english

they finish (from terminar, to finish, conjugated to we finish)

ooops i mean they

There are 3 English meanings:

they finish
they DO finish
they ARE finisING


To find the English translation of the word "terminan," you can use various online translation tools or dictionaries. Here's how you can do it using Google Translate:

1. Open a web browser and go to the Google Translate website or type "Google Translate" into the search bar.
2. In the left box, titled "Detect language," you can either type or paste the word "terminan" that you want to translate.
3. In the right box, titled "English," you can see the translation of the word in English. In this case, "terminan" is the third-person plural form of the verb "terminar" in Spanish, which means "to finish" or "to complete" in English.

Keep in mind that translation tools may not always provide the most accurate translation, and the context of the word may also affect its meaning. Therefore, it's always good to consult multiple sources or seek the help of a language expert if needed.