this my oral presentaion project in french but my teacher said write in English first. there should be 3 main points and why you choose theese points.

1)help the consumer to make choices
what to write for why

You haven't given us enough information.

What is the topic of your presentation?

If this is to be written ultimately in French, it is NOT good to write in English first! That will cause English interference and bad word order in French!

Sra (aka Mme)

When choosing your main points for your oral presentation project on helping the consumer make choices, it's important to consider the relevance and significance of each point. Here's what you can write for why you chose this as your first point:

1) Help the consumer to make choices: One of the main reasons for choosing this point is the need to inform consumers about their options. In today's society, consumers are faced with numerous choices in products and services, making it overwhelming and challenging to make informed decisions. By focusing on this point, you can discuss the importance of providing clear and accurate information to consumers, such as product features, reviews, and comparisons, to help them make more confident choices. Explaining how this can save time, money, and reduce buyer's remorse will showcase the impact it has on consumers' satisfaction and overall well-being. Additionally, emphasizing the role of technology, online platforms, and apps that assist consumers in making choices can demonstrate the practicality and relevance of this point.

Remember to expand on these ideas and provide specific examples or research findings to support your arguments. Don't forget to emphasize the benefits of helping consumers make choices and highlight how it positively affects their experiences as customers.