6. In 'The Necklace', Mathilde seems happiest when

a. she recievs the invitation to the reception
b. she attends and dances at the reception
c. her husband gives her money to buy a new dress
d. Mme. Forestier lets her borrow the necklace
I'm stuck between B and D but I think its D

7. The theme of a story
a. announces the topic in one or two words
b. is stated directly in the story
c. provides entertainment only
d. makes some revelation about the subject

8. The theme often reveals
a. a character's motive
b. hints about a story's outcome
c. a truth about human behavior
d. the strength of a story's plot


MC I disagree with both of those.


Which two?


Oh OK, the theme ones..but what about the first one? And i was pretty sure about those two...


MC, I just quickly reread "The Necklace" and the answer is pretty obvious.

Yes the first answer is D.

What about the first two?


The first one think "theme", title... it is called "The Necklace" <G>

So A seems right to me..thats what my text told me. Or it could be D...


I think it is D too

To answer question 6, the best way to determine the correct answer is to carefully analyze the events in the story. In 'The Necklace', Mathilde is a young woman who constantly dreams of a luxurious lifestyle. However, her limited means prevent her from attaining such a life. It is important to recall specific moments that may have brought happiness to Mathilde.

Option A suggests that Mathilde is happiest when she receives the invitation to the reception. While the invitation does provide her with a glimmer of hope for a glamorous evening, it ultimately leads to her downfall and unhappiness. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

Option B states that Mathilde is happiest when she attends and dances at the reception. This is a plausible answer because at the reception, she experiences the opulence and joy that she has always longed for. However, it is necessary to examine the other options before making a decision.

Option C suggests that Mathilde is happiest when her husband gives her money to buy a new dress. This event does bring her temporary pleasure as she envisions herself in a beautiful dress. However, the dress is not the ultimate source of her happiness, but rather a means to an end. Therefore, option C can be eliminated.

Option D claims that Mathilde is happiest when Mme. Forestier lets her borrow the necklace. This is also a compelling answer since Mathilde borrows the necklace to wear at the reception, which brings her the most happiness she has ever experienced. The necklace symbolizes the wealth and status she desires.

To determine the correct answer, consider which event has the most significant impact on Mathilde's happiness throughout the story. In this case, option D is the correct answer, as Mathilde's happiest moment occurs when she borrows the necklace and experiences a night of luxury at the reception.

For question 7, the definition of a theme can guide us in finding the correct answer. A theme is a recurring, underlying idea or concept explored in a literary work. It goes beyond the topic and provides insight into the human experience.

Option A states that a theme announces the topic in one or two words. However, this definition is more aligned with the concept of a central idea or subject, rather than a theme. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Option B claims that a theme is stated directly in the story. While some stories may explicitly mention the theme, it is more common for the theme to be inferred or discovered through careful analysis. Thus, option B can be eliminated.

Option C suggests that a theme provides entertainment only. This statement is incorrect as themes in literature often convey deeper meanings, offer social commentary, or provoke thought. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

Option D states that a theme makes some revelation about the subject. This aligns with the definition of a theme as a recurring idea or concept that provides insight into the human experience. Therefore, option D is correct.

Finally, for question 8, it is necessary to understand the purpose and function of a theme in a story.

Option A states that a theme often reveals a character's motive. While a theme can provide insight into a character's actions and decisions, it is not specifically focused on revealing motives. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.

Option B claims that a theme gives hints about a story's outcome. The purpose of a theme is not to predict or foreshadow the story's outcome, but rather to explore deeper meanings and insights. Thus, option B is incorrect.

Option C states that a theme reveals a truth about human behavior. This is a more accurate and common function of a theme, as it often reflects universal aspects of human nature or societal dynamics. Therefore, option C is correct.

Option D suggests that a theme reflects the strength of a story's plot. While a strong plot can contribute to the effectiveness of a story, a theme is more focused on the underlying ideas and concepts rather than the plot itself. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

In conclusion, the correct answer for question 6 is option D, for question 7 is option D, and for question 8 is option C.