
I need to prepare a demo lesson for 2nd grade on teaching character internal/external traits to students
the lesson needs to be 40 minutes can you give me any ideas

These sites may help you.


is external and internal traits about the person?

create a secondary character using internal and external characters traits

external- appearance, physical characteristics.

ex: brown hair

internal- personality traits
ex: shy

1. Charming

2. Happy
3. Intuitive
4. Determined

Of course! Here's an idea for a 40-minute demo lesson on teaching character internal and external traits to 2nd-grade students:

Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Start by engaging the students with a simple question like, "Can you think of your favorite story or book character?" Allow a few students to share their answers.

Lesson Explanation (5 minutes):
2. Explain that characters in stories have traits that make them unique, and these traits can be categorized into two types: internal traits and external traits.
3. Internal traits are characteristics that help describe a character's feelings, thoughts, or personalities. External traits are physical characteristics or behaviors that we can observe.

Guided Reading Activity (10 minutes):
4. Choose a short children's book or story that features distinct characters with both internal and external traits. For example, you could use "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein.
5. Read aloud a section of the book that introduces a character and ask students to listen carefully for clues about the character's internal and external traits.
6. After reading, facilitate a class discussion to identify and discuss the traits they noticed. Write these traits on the board or chart paper under "Internal Traits" and "External Traits" categories.

Interactive Activity (15 minutes):
7. Divide the students into small groups or pairs and provide them with pictures or short descriptions of different characters from books or movies.
8. Instruct them to work together to identify the internal and external traits of the character, just like they did during the guided reading activity.
9. After completing their character analysis, have each group share their findings with the class, encouraging discussion and asking questions.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
10. Gather the class and recap what they have learned about character traits.
11. Have a brief discussion on how understanding character traits can help us understand the story better or connect with the characters.
12. End the lesson by distributing a worksheet or activity for students to complete individually as a formative assessment. This may involve matching traits to characters or describing a character's traits based on a given scenario.

Remember to adjust the time allocation based on your class's needs and pace. Also, consider incorporating visual aids, props, or technology to enhance the engagement level.