I lay my book on the table, but now i cannot find it. or I laid my book on the table, but now i cannot find it.

Which one is using regular and irregular verbs

The second sentence is much better.

I laid my book on the table is using a regular verb which is laid

Yes, the second sentence is correct, but remember that "lie" and "lay" are confusing because they are irregular verbs:


In your sentence, "I laid my book on the table, but now I cannot find it," the verb "laid" is an example of a regular verb, while the verb "cannot" is an example of an irregular verb.

Regular verbs form their past tense by adding "-ed" or "-d" to the base form of the verb. In this case, the base form of the verb "lay" is "lay," and by adding "-ed" to the end, it becomes "laid" in the past tense.

Irregular verbs, on the other hand, do not follow a consistent rule for forming their past tense. The verb "can" is irregular, and in the negative form "cannot," it does not undergo any changes.

So, to summarize, "laid" is an example of a regular verb, and "cannot" is an example of an irregular verb in your sentence.