I'm doing a research essay that has to prove how the Malthus theory can be applied to the modern world. I need around 5 countries as examples. They can include contradictions and examples of the theory.

What are some countries?
I can't use India or China, though.

You can compare the birth rates with the poverty rates.



Thanks. Do you know where I can get info about food production in countries, as well?

To find countries that can be used as examples for your research essay, proving how the Malthus theory applies to the modern world, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Malthus Theory: Familiarize yourself with the Malthusian theory proposed by Thomas Malthus. The theory is based on the assumption that population grows exponentially while resources grow linearly, leading to overpopulation and scarcity of resources if left unchecked.

2. Identify relevant indicators: Look for indicators that can reflect the principles of the Malthusian theory, such as population growth, food production, resource availability, and environmental impact.

3. Research: Use reliable sources, such as academic journals, reputable news outlets, and official statistics, to gather information about different countries' population growth rates, resource availability, food production, environmental conditions, and related factors.

4. Analyze the data: Once you have gathered information on various countries, analyze the data to identify examples that align with the principles of the Malthusian theory. Look for countries where population growth is outpacing the availability of resources or where environmental degradation is occurring due to overconsumption.

Example countries that you can consider (excluding India and China):

a) Nigeria: It has been projected to become the world's third-most populous country by 2050, facing challenges in areas such as food production and resource availability.

b) Egypt: With a high population growth rate and limited arable land, Egypt faces challenges in ensuring food security for its growing population.

c) Bangladesh: It has a high population density and relies heavily on agriculture, where the limited availability of arable land poses challenges to sustainably feeding its population.

d) Pakistan: Rapid population growth combined with limited access to resources and a reliance on agriculture makes Pakistan susceptible to Malthusian dynamics.

e) Brazil: While it might seem contradictory, Brazil's rapid deforestation in the Amazon rainforest for agricultural purposes can be viewed as an indicator of the quest for resources to meet the growing population's demands.

Remember, your examples should align with the principles of the Malthusian theory, demonstrating a conflict between population growth and resource availability or environmental impact. Use data and evidence to support your arguments and interpretations.