Negotiation/Delay/Refusal Skills - Assignment

There are many ways to say “no” to pressure from a dating partner or peer. Some of the ways to do this are listed below.

For each skill, write a "pressuring statement" or one for all of them, followed by a corresponding appropriate response.

Pressuring Statement:
Let’s sneak into an R rated movie tonight.

1. Giving a reason or excuse
Oh, I can’t, I have lots of homework tonight. Sorry.

2. Walk away

3. Avoiding the situation

4. Changing the subject
Oh, hey, speaking of movies did you know they’re releasing Spider Man 4 this October 10.

5. Discuss the consequences
No; I don’t think that’s a good idea. We could get caught and get into a lot of trouble

6. Reverse the pressure

7. Separate the person and the activity
You’re a really good friend; I like hanging out with you, but if you’re going to do something that may get us in trouble, then I don’t want to participate in it.

8. Honest and confident
No. I don’t want to sneak into a movie I’m not allowed to see. I don’t want to get into trouble.

9. Delay the activity
Sorry, I can’t. I have to work tonight and possible the next two nights as well. Maybe sometime next week.

Can someone help me with # 2, 3, 6?

Thank you very much.

Can someone help with # 2, 3, 6?

Thank you very much.

2. No, thanks.

3. I'd rather see _______________.

6. Why do you want to see an R-rated movie?

6. Why would I date a guy who sneaks into movies?

Of course! I'll explain how to handle numbers 2, 3, and 6 from the list you provided:

2. Walk away:
- When faced with a pressuring statement, you can choose to physically remove yourself from the situation. This is particularly useful if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- If your dating partner or peer suggests doing something you don't want to do, you can simply say, "No, I'm not interested," and walk away confidently.

3. Avoiding the situation:
- Avoiding the situation involves creating distance between yourself and the person pressuring you. This can help you maintain your boundaries.
- If you want to avoid a particular activity suggested by your dating partner or peer, you can respond by saying, "I think I'll pass. Let's find something else to do instead."

6. Reverse the pressure:
- Reversing the pressure involves turning the focus back onto the person making the request to deflect the pressure.
- If your dating partner or peer tries to pressure you into something, you can change the dynamic by saying, "I don't understand why you're insisting. What's making you so determined to do this?"

Remember, communication and assertiveness are key when using these skills. It's important to be respectful but firm in expressing your boundaries.