The Econ Dpt final has 30 questions that are multiple choice. There are 5 possible answers. If you guessed the answers to all the questions, how many would you expect to get right. Choices are 6, 7.5, 7?

You have 20% chance of getting each answer right.

0.2 * 30 = ?

To solve this problem, we need to understand the concept of probability. Since there are 5 possible answers for each question and only one of them is correct, the probability of guessing the correct answer for each question is 1/5.

To find out how many questions you would expect to get right if you guessed all the answers, you need to multiply the probability of guessing the correct answer for each question by the total number of questions.

Number of questions: 30
Probability of guessing the correct answer: 1/5

Expected number of correct answers = Number of questions * Probability of guessing the correct answer

Therefore, the expected number of correct answers would be:

30 * (1/5) = 6

So the answer is 6.