Can someone check if these are correct?

1. Buddy's friend is comforting like an old sweater = simile
2. The trees' cried echo through the forest = personification
3. Their affection for each other is an oasis of kindness = metaphor
4. Queenie, the dog, complains about the cold water = personification
5. The hunted man feels like prey, stalked and fearful = simile


Right -- for all of them. :-)

Thanks! :D


To check if the provided statements are correct, we need to understand the literary devices being used in each statement.

1. "Buddy's friend is comforting like an old sweater." - Correctly identified as a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as."

2. "The trees' cried echo through the forest." - Incorrectly identified as personification. This statement does not include any attribution of human-like characteristics to non-human objects, so it is not personification. The correct term for this statement would be onomatopoeia, as it uses "cried" to imitate the sound made by the trees.

3. "Their affection for each other is an oasis of kindness." - Correctly identified as a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison by directly stating that one thing is another.

4. "Queenie, the dog, complains about the cold water." - Correctly identified as personification. Personification is when inanimate objects or animals are given human-like qualities or characteristics.

5. "The hunted man feels like prey, stalked and fearful." - Correctly identified as a simile. This statement compares the feelings of the hunted man to those of prey, using the word "like" to make the comparison.

So, in summary:
- Statement 1 is correct as a simile.
- Statement 2 is incorrect, it should be labeled as onomatopoeia.
- Statement 3 is correct as a metaphor.
- Statement 4 is correct as personification.
- Statement 5 is correct as a simile.