Drivers should not throw antifreezing solutions into the sea.

Fishermen should not throw used fishing gears/tackles and nets into the sea.

Factories should not throw waste oil into the sea.

People should not throw plastic bags and plastic bottles into the sea.

(Would you check the expressions above? If you have some more things that people can do to save the sea, would you list them?)

In the first sentence, it should be "antifreeze," not antifreezing.

Second sentence: "gear" is singular. So it should be fishing gear/tackles . . .

The others are correct.

People shouldn't throw any garbage into the sea. This includes the plastic loops that hold six-packs of soft drinks and beer. Boats should empty any waste products (including from toilets) into the sea.

This website has some other ideas.

The expressions you provided are all correct. It is important for individuals and industries to avoid throwing any harmful substances or waste into the sea to protect marine life and the overall health of our oceans.

Here are some additional actions people can take to help save the sea:

1. Reduce single-use plastic: Avoid using plastic bags, straws, and disposable bottles to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the ocean.

2. Properly dispose of waste: Dispose of trash and recyclables in designated bins or recycling centers to prevent them from reaching the sea through waterways or wind.

3. Support sustainable seafood: Choose sustainably caught or farmed seafood options to help maintain the balance of marine ecosystems and prevent overfishing.

4. Use eco-friendly household products: Opt for biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products to mitigate the amount of harmful chemicals that can enter water sources and eventually end up in the ocean.

5. Participate in beach clean-ups: Join local community initiatives or volunteer for beach clean-up activities to remove trash and debris from coastlines before they are washed into the sea.

6. Educate and raise awareness: Spread knowledge about the importance of ocean conservation to friends, family, and the community to inspire others to take action.

Remember, our individual efforts collectively make a significant impact in preserving the health and well-being of our seas.