
where do I put parentheses to make this correct?


Are you sure.....I get that problems answer is 36

Candy is right.

8+[4(9)/3] = 20
8+(36/3) = 20
24 + 36 = 60
60 = 60

To make the equation correct, you can place parentheses around the addition and multiplication operations. Here's how you can adjust the equation:

8 + (4 * 2) + (7 / 3) = 20

Now let's break down the steps to solve the equation:

1. Start by calculating the multiplication operation inside the first set of parentheses: (4 * 2) = 8.

2. Next, perform the division operation inside the second set of parentheses: (7 / 3) ≈ 2.3333 (rounded to 4 decimal places).

3. Now, substitute the calculated values back into the equation: 8 + 8 + 2.3333.

4. Finally, add the two numbers: 8 + 8 = 16, and then add that result to 2.3333, resulting in 16 + 2.3333 ≈ 18.3333.

As you can see, the modified equation with parentheses does not equal 20. If you want the equation to evaluate to 20, you would need to adjust the placement of the parentheses.