15/13 * 13/15

is it:




Your second answer is correct. When multiplying fractions, you multiply the numerators together and then the denominators.

I did it another way as well:

225/195* 169/195 = 38025/


To calculate the expression 15/13 * 13/15, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators (top numbers) of the fractions together: 15 * 13 = 195.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) of the fractions together: 13 * 15 = 195.
Step 3: Write the result of step 1 over the result of step 2: 195/195.
Step 4: Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, both the numerator and the denominator are equal, so the resulting fraction is equal to 1.

Therefore, the expression 15/13 * 13/15 equals 1.

To solve the expression 15/13 * 13/15, you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the numerators together: 15 * 13 = 195
2. Multiply the denominators together: 13 * 15 = 195
3. Write the result as a fraction: 195/195

However, both 195/195 and 1 are equivalent fractions. Therefore, you can simplify it further:

4. Divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 195: 195/195 = 1/1

So, the simplified answer is 1.