This is the example i was given:

The oranges in a box have a mass of 4680 gm.If the average mass of an orange is 97.5gm, find the number of oranges in the box.
Total mass = average mass of an orange x number of oranges in the box.
Therefore the number of oranges in the box= 4680/97.5 = 48 oranges.
So i was trying to use this to solve the problem i was given.

If you math is correct, you did an excellent job.

Please provide the problem you were given, and I will be happy to help you solve it step-by-step.

To solve the problem you were given, you can follow the same steps as the example you provided:

1. Determine the total mass of the apples: Multiply the average mass of an apple by the total number of apples in the box.

2. If you are given the total mass of the apples, you can divide it by the average mass of an apple to find the number of apples in the box.

Let's say you are given the total mass of the apples in the box, but not the average mass of an apple. In this case, you can rearrange the formula from the example to solve for the number of apples:

Number of apples = total mass / average mass of an apple

Now, let's work through an example:

Suppose the total mass of the apples in the box is 625 grams, and you know that the average mass of an apple is 125 grams. Using the formula:

Number of apples = 625 g / 125 g/apple = 5 apples

Therefore, there are 5 apples in the box.