y = f(x – 1) – 2 What does the line for this graph look like? Can anyone show me please? Thanks!

"f(x-1)" will shift the graph to the right by 1.

"-2" will shift the graph down by 2.

The graph looks like the graph of f, shifted right 1 and shifted down 2.

To understand what the line for this graph looks like, we can start by analyzing the equation.

The equation given is y = f(x – 1) – 2. This means that the value of y is equal to the value of the function f(x – 1) minus 2.

Since the equation includes the term f(x – 1), it suggests that there is some underlying function or relationship involved. Unfortunately, without further information about the specific function f(x), we cannot determine the exact shape or form of the graph.

The graph could represent any type of function, such as linear, quadratic, exponential, or trigonometric, depending on the specific function f(x). Each type of function would yield a different shape for the graph.

To determine the exact shape of the graph and how it's plotted, we would need more information about the function f(x), such as its explicit form, a table of values, or any additional constraints or information specified. With that information, we could then plot the graph accordingly.