Could someone give me a few good sites on the impact of Jesus death on Christianity? Thanks

A better question, though, might be the impact of His supposed resurrection on Christianity.

his death itself wasn't the point. It was his ressurection. God poured the wrath meant for sinners on the only substitute possible, his son.

he died, and payed the price on the cross as he died.
but he was ressurectred after 3 days, so anyone who trusts in him will be saved

Certainly! Here are a few reliable sites that discuss the impact of Jesus' death on Christianity:

1. Encyclopedia Britannica ( This widely recognized encyclopedia contains comprehensive articles on various topics, including the impact of Jesus' death on Christianity. You can search for "Jesus' death impact on Christianity" to find relevant articles.

2. Christianity Today ( This website offers a wealth of articles and resources related to Christianity. You can search for articles specifically discussing the significance of Jesus' death in Christian theology and its ramifications.

3. Got Questions ( This website provides biblically-based answers to various theological questions. It has a section dedicated to the impact of Jesus' death on Christianity, where you can find detailed explanations and relevant scripture references.

4. Bible Study Tools ( This site offers a range of study materials, including articles, commentaries, and theological perspectives. You can search for topics related to the impact and implications of Jesus' death to find valuable insights.

When using these sites, keep in mind that cross-referencing information from multiple sources is essential to ensure accuracy and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.