the emotinal association that a word has is called A)connotation b)denotation c)detection D)expression

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i think its a im not sure or d

Check this definition.

so its a or b definately not d.i still think a. can u help me out. and tell me why its not

You're right. It's a -- connotation.

The emotional association that a word has is called its connotation. To determine the connotation of a word, you can do the following:

1. Understand the Definition: Start by identifying the denotation of the word, which refers to its literal or dictionary meaning. This can help you grasp the general idea behind the word.

2. Use Context: Look at the word's usage in a sentence or paragraph to determine how it is being used. Sometimes, the connotation can vary based on the context in which it is employed.

3. Analyze Tone and Feelings: Consider the emotions, attitudes, and associations that the word typically evokes. Pay attention to the positive, negative, or neutral feelings associated with it.

4. Consider Different Perspectives: Keep in mind that connotation can differ from person to person, culture to culture, or situation to situation. What may have a positive connotation for one person might have a negative connotation for another.

By using these techniques, you can evaluate the connotation of a word and understand the emotional association it carries. In this case, since the question is asking for the term that refers to the emotional association of a word, the correct answer is A) connotation.