Las inundaciones _____ muchas ciudades el verano pasado.

a. se enamoraron
b. dañaron
c. se escondieron
d. investigaron


Correct! The correct answer is B - "dañaron" which means "damaged" in English. In this sentence, it is expressing that the floods caused damage to many cities last summer.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can analyze the sentence and eliminate the options that do not make sense in the given context. In this case, options A, C, and D do not match the idea of the floods causing damage to cities. Option A, "se enamoraron," means "fell in love" which does not make sense in the context of the sentence. Option C, "se escondieron," means "hid" which also does not fit the meaning of the sentence. Lastly, option D, "investigaron," means "investigated" and it does not match the intended meaning of the sentence either.

Therefore, option B, "dañaron," is the correct answer as it correctly conveys the meaning that the floods caused damage to many cities.