From the movie "Shindler's List"

What was Shindler doing when he talked to Amon Goeth about power and told him that refraining from imposing punishment showed greshet power than imposing it? Was Shindler successful?


what was Schindler doing when he talked to camp director amon goeth about power and told him that refraining from imposing punishment showed greater power than imposing it? was Schindler successful?

In the movie "Schindler's List," there is a scene where Oskar Schindler, the main character, talks to Amon Goeth about power. This scene takes place when Schindler visits Goeth, who is the commander of the concentration camp.

During their conversation, Schindler discusses the concept of true power – that refraining from imposing punishment is a display of greater power than actually imposing it. He argues that by not exercising his authority to harm others, Goeth demonstrates a restraint that commands respect and fear.

As for whether Schindler was successful in conveying his message, it is an open question. While Goeth appears reflective during their conversation, he ultimately does not change his behavior. Goeth continues to exercise brutal and sadistic power over the prisoners under his control.

However, it's important to note that the scene serves to establish Schindler's character and his attempt to influence Goeth's mindset. Throughout the film, Schindler embarks on a mission to save as many Jewish workers as possible from the Holocaust, and his actions ultimately save over a thousand lives. This indicates that Schindler's overarching goal was to make a difference in a broader sense rather than focusing only on his conversation with Goeth.

In the movie "Schindler's List," during the scene where Oskar Schindler talks to Amon Goeth about power, Schindler was trying to persuade Goeth to show restraint and refrain from imposing excessive punishment on the Jewish workers in his labor camp. Schindler argued that by sparing lives and showing mercy, one could gain more power and influence than by simply exerting authority through punishment.

To find out if Schindler was successful in persuading Goeth, you'll need to watch the movie until the end. "Schindler's List" is a historical drama based on true events, depicting the efforts of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, to save the lives of over a thousand Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. The movie explores themes of power, morality, and human compassion. The resolution of Schindler's negotiations with Goeth forms part of the movie's narrative and can be found by watching it.