"¿Recuerdas cómo era Susana de pequeña?" "Sí, era una muchacha muy traviesa. Siempre lloraba y nunca _____."

a. obedecía a sus padres
b. mentía
c. se portaba mal
d. peleaba con sus hermanos

what does the question mean?

Do y ou remember how Susan was when she was small? Yes, she was a very naughty/mischevious girl. She always used to cry and never -------

a. used to obey her parents
b. used to lie
c. used to behave badly
d. used to fight with her brothers (OR brothers and sisters)


so A



The question is asking about how Susana was when she was little. It's asking you to choose the correct option that completes the sentence based on the information given in the preceding statement.