what is five divided by 82

enter 5/82 into the Google search window

To find the result of dividing 5 by 82, you can calculate it using a calculator or do the division manually.

Using a calculator:
Simply enter "5 ÷ 82" or "5/82" into a calculator, and it will give you the answer. The result is approximately 0.06098.

Manual division:
Here's how you can do the division manually:

1. Write down the number 5 (dividend) inside a division symbol (÷) and the number 82 (divisor) outside the division symbol, with a line separating them.


2. Since 5 is smaller than 82, you know that the quotient will be less than 1.

3. Place a decimal point above the division symbol, and add a zero after the decimal point.


4. Now, perform long division. Divide 5 by 82. The result is zero, so write 0 above the division symbol, on top of the decimal point.

- 0

5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (which is 0) beside the zero you just wrote. Now, divide 5 by 82 again. The result is still zero. Write 0 next to the previously written 0.

- 0

6. Since there are no more digits to bring down, the division process is complete. The final quotient is 0.06097 (rounded to five decimal places).

Therefore, five divided by 82 is approximately 0.06098.