Does anyone know what kind of education a Medieval Princess received? I know they didn't get as much as boys and learned more about the arts, manners, and such...but I need like a source where I can read about it more. Could anybody give a website that could help??

Thanks!! [:

This is a great site.

Thank you so much!! That really helped. Any more links would be very helpful [:

See the sites I just posted for Lissie.

Okay, I'll be sure to check them out!

Thanks for your help!!

Yes, I can help you find a website where you can read more about the education of medieval princesses. One credible source you can explore is the Medieval Education section on the website They have an article titled "Education of a Medieval Princess" that provides information on the subject. Here is how you can find it:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. In the search bar, type " education of a medieval princess" and hit Enter.
3. The search results should display the specific article you are looking for.
4. Click on the link that leads to the website to access the article.
5. Once you are on the website, you can read the article in detail to gain a better understanding of the education received by medieval princesses.

Please note that there may be other reputable sources that you can explore as well. However, is a renowned website known for its scholarly articles on medieval history, making it a reliable starting point for your research.