i hope this is correct

"¿Que _____ Uds. anoche en la celebración?" "Pollo y una ensalada."
a. piden
b. pidieron
c. pedimos
d. pidió
...is it A..?:(

actually, i think it might be pidieron-B

it's B

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the given options.

The question "¿Que _____ Uds. anoche en la celebración?" is asking: "What did you order last night at the celebration?"

Let's go through each option:

a. piden - This form is in the present tense, which does not match the context of the question ("last night"). Therefore, this option is not correct.

b. pidieron - This form is in the preterite tense, which matches the context of the question ("last night"). Therefore, this option is a potential correct answer.

c. pedimos - This form is in the present tense, which, again, does not match the context of the question ("last night"). Therefore, this option is not correct.

d. pidió - This form is in the past tense, but it is in the third-person singular form, which does not match the subject "Uds." (you, plural). Therefore, this option is not correct.

By the process of elimination, we can conclude that the correct answer is option b. pidieron.

So, in conclusion, the correct option is "b. pidieron."