Find the length of the total time, of the journey of Sky Lab 4 was, in days, hours, and minutes. Then convert the time of the journey into just hours. Also, convert the time of the journey into just minutes. Show your calculations.

The total time was 84 days, 1 hour.

We'll be glad to check your arithmetic for the hours and minutes.

ok i will put my answers in after i read the website ...

days- 84

hour- 1

84 x 12 +1 =1009= hours
1009 x 60 =60540

How many hous are in a day?

60 ohhh oops

60 hours in a day ????

how about 24 ?

84 days, 1 hour
= (84(24) + 1) hours
= 2017 hours
= 2017(60) minutes
= 121020 minutes

To find the length of the total time of the journey of Sky Lab 4, we need to know the starting and ending times of the journey.

Let's assume the journey started on Day 1 at a specific time and ended on Day X at a specific time.

To calculate the length of the journey in days, hours, and minutes, we will need to subtract the starting time from the ending time.

Here is an example calculation:
1. Convert the starting time to minutes. For example, if the starting time is 10:30 AM, we convert it to 10 * 60 + 30 = 630 minutes.
2. Convert the ending time to minutes using the same method.
3. Subtract the starting time in minutes from the ending time in minutes.
4. Convert the difference back to days, hours, and minutes. For example, if the difference is 5000 minutes, we can divide it by 1440 (the number of minutes in a day) to get the number of days. The remainder can then be divided by 60 to get the remaining hours, and the final remainder will be the number of minutes.

Once we have the total time in days, hours, and minutes, we can convert it into just hours by multiplying the number of days by 24 (the number of hours in a day) and adding it to the hours portion of the total time.

To convert the total time into just minutes, we can multiply the number of days by 1440 (the number of minutes in a day), add the hours multiplied by 60 (the number of minutes in an hour), and finally add the remaining minutes.

To perform the calculations accurately, we would need the specific starting and ending times of the journey of Sky Lab 4.