Automobiles and small trucks account for 84% of the travel to and from work in the United States. What fraction represents all other means of travel to and from work in the United States?

100% - 84% = ?

since 84% of travel to and from work in the united states are automobiles and small trucks.

that means 16% of the travel to and from work in united states is from other means.

to convert a percent to fraction:

first: 16/100
second: simplify it.

answer: 4/25

To find the fraction representing all other means of travel to and from work in the United States, we can subtract the fraction representing automobiles and small trucks from 1.

Step 1: Convert the given percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
84% = 84/100 = 0.84

Step 2: Subtract the decimal representing automobiles and small trucks from 1.
1 - 0.84 = 0.16

Therefore, all other means of travel to and from work in the United States represent 16/100 or 16%.