is this translated right?

In the morning I wake up at 8:30 a.m. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I eat breakfast. By 9:00 a.m., I start my schooling (home). The first thing I work on is trigonometry. Then I do English, Trigonometry, American History, Physics, Arts, and Spanish

Por la manana yo me despierto las ocho y media. Primero cepillarme los dientes y el pelo. Luego como desayunar. Primero trabajo en (trigonometry). -----Englis, ...

please check the first part until "desayunar".. and please help me finish the rest. thank you

trabajo en trigonometria (accent on the i)

ingles (accent on the e)

historia Americano
fisica (accent on first i)
espanol (accent on n)

i just need help putting it in a sentence
then i do english, american history, physics, arts, and espanish

me despierto las ocho y media. = a las ocho...

Primero cepillarme = Didn't you understand the correction I gave you? You can NOT use the infinitive and need to conjugate it = Primero me cepillo

I eat breakfast = you can use the noun "como el desayuno" or the verb that says it all = desayuno.

historia americana

Luego preparo el inglés, la historia americana, la física, las artes y el español.


Yes, the first part of the translation is mostly correct. Here's the corrected version:

"Por la mañana me despierto a las 8:30 a.m. Lo primero que hago es cepillarme los dientes y peinarme. Luego desayuno."

Now, let's finish the rest of the translation:

"A las 9:00 a.m., comienzo con mis estudios en casa. Lo primero en lo que trabajo es trigonometría. Después hago inglés, historia americana, física, arte y español."

Please note that in the last part, I removed the repetition of "trigonometry" (trigonometría) since it was already mentioned as the first subject.

Remember, when translating, it is important to consider the context and the target language's grammar and vocabulary rules. Using translation tools like online dictionaries or machine translation can be helpful, but it's always a good idea to double-check the accuracy and make necessary adjustments to ensure proper understanding.