Ok so I need to explain in class tomorrow for my History of England Class in college Gregory King's "A Scheme of the Income and Expenses of the Several Families of England." Can anyone explain the significance of this and what all those numbers tell us about England in 1688?

I've tried that one already unfortunately...haha...none of them really explain what it is telling the reader...I'm just trying to make sense of what the table means...I'm sorry for being so picky...I'm just flippin out because I can't figure the stupid chart out...lol...I'm a history major...i don't deal well with numbers...haha...but thank you for the feedback

assistance needed

Certainly! Gregory King's "A Scheme of the Income and Expenses of the Several Families of England" is a significant historical document that provides valuable insights into the socioeconomic conditions of England in 1688. This document offers a detailed analysis of the incomes and expenses of different social classes, providing a snapshot of the economic landscape of that period.

To explain the significance and the information contained in Gregory King's scheme, it's helpful to break it down into a few key points:

1. Social Classes: The document classifies households into various social classes based on their income levels. King's scheme includes categories such as nobility, gentry, merchants, craftsmen, laborers, and vagrants. This classification enables us to understand the distribution of wealth and the social hierarchy of the time.

2. Income Structure: The scheme illustrates the sources of income for different social classes. It reveals the reliance on landowning for the upper classes, the importance of trade and commerce for the merchant class, and the significance of wages for laborers. This information sheds light on the economic activities prevalent in England and shows the diversification of income sources.

3. Expenditure Patterns: King's scheme also outlines the typical expenditures for each social class. It provides details on how households allocated their income towards various needs and luxuries. This information can be used to analyze consumption patterns, the standard of living, and the relative wealth or poverty of different social groups.

4. Taxation Insights: The document also offers insights into the taxation system of the time. By examining the income distribution and the tax burden across different social classes, historians can gain understanding into the fiscal policies of the English government and their impact on different strata of society.

By analyzing Gregory King's scheme, historians can draw conclusions about income inequality, the dynamics of wealth accumulation, the social fabric of England, and the economic conditions experienced by various social classes in 1688.

To delve deeper into this topic, examine the original document itself. Analyze King's methodology, understand the context of the era, compare it with other contemporary sources, and consider historical events and developments that might have influenced the income and expenses of the families.