what's one good and bad effect of Prohibition?

The good effect is that many people stopped drinking -- or at least drinking very much. Also the teetotalers were happy.

The bad effect was an increase in crime involved with liquor -- similar to the crimes today involving drugs. It also caused ordinary people to break the law.

Bad: People began bootlegging and smuggling alcohol from Canada, and brewing/distilling it in their basements. With caused numerous arrests.

Good: Less alcohol related accidents and deaths were recorded.


One good effect of Prohibition was a decrease in alcohol consumption, which led to a decline in alcohol-related illnesses, accidents, and social problems. This included a reduction in binge drinking, domestic violence, and workplace accidents associated with alcohol abuse.

One bad effect of Prohibition was the rise of organized crime and illegal alcohol trade. The 18th Amendment, which instituted Prohibition in the United States, led to the formation of powerful criminal syndicates that smuggled, produced, and distributed alcohol illegally. This led to an increase in violence, corruption, and the undermining of law enforcement.

To learn more about the effects of Prohibition, you can consult historical sources, including books, articles, and academic research. Additionally, primary sources such as newspaper articles, diaries, and personal accounts from that era can provide valuable insights. Public archives, libraries, and online resources dedicated to historical topics can be excellent sources to explore.