Can someone please check my work?

What are these people doing? Use elements from each bracket to write three complete sentencs.

(nosotras)--(aprender)---(el almuerzo)
(usted)-----(compartir)--(una carta)
(yo)--------(escribir)---(el español)

1. Nosotras aprendemos el español/.
2. Usted comparte tu el almuerzo/.
3. Yo escibo una carta/.

Write sentences to descibe what these people are doing/.

1. Julia/beber un refresco
Julia bebe un refesco/.

2. María y yo/escribir en el pizarrón
María y yo escribimos en el pizarrón/.

3. tú/aprender el español
Tú aprendes el español/.

4. yo/hacer mucha tarea
Yo hago mucha tarea/.

You and your friends always buy lunch at the cafeteria. Write three complete sentneces about what food and drink is i the cafeteria and what you and your friends eat and drink. Do you share anything?

Hay sándwiches, leche, hamburguesas, jugo, refrescos y papas fritas/. Mis amigos comen sándwiches de jamón y queso y beber jugo/. Yo como una hamburguesa y beber refresco/. Mis amigos y yo, nosotros compartimos las papas fritas/.

Are they correct/. If not, what can I change?

Muchas Gracias!

PS. Don't mind the forward slashes. It said I was not allowed to post internet addresses. But I have none!!

Overall, your sentences are mostly correct. However, there are a few small errors that can be corrected:

1. Nosotras aprendemos el español. (No need for the forward slash at the end)
2. Usted comparte tu el almuerzo. (Replace "tu" with "su". It should be "Usted comparte su almuerzo.")
3. Yo escibo una carta. (The correct spelling is "escribo", not "escibo". It should be "Yo escribo una carta.")

For the second set of sentences:

1. Julia bebe un refresco. (No need for the forward slash at the end)
2. María y yo escribimos en el pizarrón. (No need for the forward slash at the end)

For the third set of sentences:

1. Tú aprendes el español. (No need for the forward slash at the end)
2. Yo hago mucha tarea. (No need for the forward slash at the end)

Finally, for the last set of sentences, you did a great job. The only small correction is to remove the forward slashes at the end of each sentence.

Keep up the good work!

Yes, your sentences are correct except for a few corrections:

1. Nosotras aprendemos el español. (Correct)
2. Usted comparte tu el almuerzo. (Correction: It should be "Usted comparte su almuerzo.")
3. Yo escibo una carta. (Correction: It should be "Yo escribo una carta.")

For the second set of sentences:
1. Julia bebe un refresco. (Correct)
2. María y yo escribimos en el pizarrón. (Correct)
3. Tú aprendes el español. (Correct)
4. Yo hago mucha tarea. (Correct)

For the sentences about the cafeteria:
1. Hay sándwiches, leche, hamburguesas, jugo, refrescos y papas fritas. (Correct)
2. Mis amigos comen sándwiches de jamón y queso y beben jugo. (Correction: It should be "beben" instead of "beber" because it refers to multiple people.)
3. Yo como una hamburguesa y bebo refresco. (Correction: It should be "bebo" instead of "beber" because it refers to only one person.)
4. Mis amigos y yo, nosotros compartimos las papas fritas. (Correct)

Overall, your sentences are mostly correct with just a few minor corrections. Good job!

In the first #2, get rid of "tu" because the subject is Usted.

1-4 are all fine.

In the paragraph: y beber jugo/.= you must also conjugate the 2nd verb. Mis amigos comen...y beben. Also in the next one: Yo como.....y bebo un refresco. (It's better with "un" in front of the noun, refresco.
