the couple saved for a rainy day by avoiding this

the scrambles letters 2 words

first word 7 letters

second word in quotes 6 letters

To unscramble the given letters and find the two words, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down all the distinct letters from the scrambled letters: "s", "n", "a", "t", "o", "e", "i", "d", "k", "g".

Step 2: Identify the known information about the words. From the given information, the first word has seven letters, and the second word is enclosed in quotes and has six letters.

Step 3: Use the process of elimination and logic to rearrange the letters in different combinations to form valid words.

Step 4: By trying different combinations, you might find that the first word could be "stoking" (meaning to add fuel to a fire or furnace) containing the letters "s", "t", "o", "k", "i", "n", "g".

Step 5: Once you have one potential word, continue with the remaining letters to find the second word. After rearranging the remaining letters "a", "e", "d", just the word "doe" can be formed.

Therefore, the unscrambled words are "stoking" and "doe". These words fit the criteria of having seven letters and six letters respectively.